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Added 4 test to newer fp suppor of testures and surfaces ...
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Roberto Zamora-Zamora committed Oct 20, 2015
1 parent d383870 commit 4b1991e
Showing 1 changed file with 193 additions and 1 deletion.
194 changes: 193 additions & 1 deletion test/
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from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
from import mark_cuda_test
from import mark_cuda_test, dtype_to_ctype
import pytest
from six.moves import range

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,6 +310,198 @@ def test_multichannel_linear_texture(self):
#print dest
assert la.norm(dest-a) == 0

def test_2d_fp_textures(self):
orden = "C"
npoints = 32
for prec in [np.float32,np.float64,np.complex64,np.complex128]:
prec_str = dtype_to_ctype(prec)
if prec == np.complex64: fpName_str = 'cfloat'
elif prec == np.complex128: fpName_str = 'cdouble'
else: fpName_str = prec_str
A_cpu = np.zeros([npoints,npoints],order=orden,dtype=prec)
A_cpu[:] = np.random.rand(npoints,npoints)[:]
A_gpu = gpuarray.zeros(A_cpu.shape,dtype=prec,order=orden)

myKern = '''
#include <pycuda-helpers.hpp>
texture<fp_tex_fpName, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> mtx_tex;
__global__ void copy_texture(cuPres *dest)
int row = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int col = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
dest[row + col*blockDim.x*gridDim.x] = fp_tex2D(mtx_tex, col, row);
myKern = myKern.replace('fpName',fpName_str)
myKern = myKern.replace('cuPres',prec_str)
mod = SourceModule(myKern)

copy_texture = mod.get_function("copy_texture")
mtx_tex = mod.get_texref("mtx_tex")
cuBlock = (16,16,1)
if cuBlock[0]>npoints:
cuBlock = (npoints,npoints,1)
cuGrid = (npoints//cuBlock[0]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[0] != 0 ),npoints//cuBlock[1]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[1] != 0 ),1)
cudaArray = drv.np_to_array(A_cpu,orden,allowSurfaceBind=False)
assert np.sum(np.abs(A_gpu.get()-np.transpose(A_cpu))) == np.array(0,dtype=prec)

def test_3d_fp_textures(self):
orden = "C"
npoints = 32
for prec in [np.float32,np.float64,np.complex64,np.complex128]:
prec_str = dtype_to_ctype(prec)
if prec == np.complex64: fpName_str = 'cfloat'
elif prec == np.complex128: fpName_str = 'cdouble'
else: fpName_str = prec_str
A_cpu = np.zeros([npoints,npoints,npoints],order=orden,dtype=prec)
A_cpu[:] = np.random.rand(npoints,npoints,npoints)[:]
A_gpu = gpuarray.zeros(A_cpu.shape,dtype=prec,order=orden)

myKern = '''
#include <pycuda-helpers.hpp>
texture<fp_tex_fpName, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> mtx_tex;
__global__ void copy_texture(cuPres *dest)
int row = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int col = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int slice = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
dest[row + col*blockDim.x*gridDim.x + slice*blockDim.x*gridDim.x*blockDim.y*gridDim.y] = fp_tex3D(mtx_tex, slice, col, row);
myKern = myKern.replace('fpName',fpName_str)
myKern = myKern.replace('cuPres',prec_str)
mod = SourceModule(myKern)

copy_texture = mod.get_function("copy_texture")
mtx_tex = mod.get_texref("mtx_tex")
cuBlock = (8,8,8)
if cuBlock[0]>npoints:
cuBlock = (npoints,npoints,npoints)
cuGrid = (npoints//cuBlock[0]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[0] != 0 ),npoints//cuBlock[1]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[1] != 0 ),npoints//cuBlock[2]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[1] != 0 ))
cudaArray = drv.np_to_array(A_cpu,orden,allowSurfaceBind=False)
assert np.sum(np.abs(A_gpu.get()-np.transpose(A_cpu))) == np.array(0,dtype=prec)

def test_3d_fp_surfaces(self):
orden = "C"
npoints = 32
for prec in [np.float32,np.float64,np.complex64,np.complex128]:
prec_str = dtype_to_ctype(prec)
if prec == np.complex64: fpName_str = 'cfloat'
elif prec == np.complex128: fpName_str = 'cdouble'
else: fpName_str = prec_str
A_cpu = np.zeros([npoints,npoints,npoints],order=orden,dtype=prec)
A_cpu[:] = np.random.rand(npoints,npoints,npoints)[:]
A_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(A_cpu) # Array randomized

myKernRW = '''
#include <pycuda-helpers.hpp>
surface<void, cudaSurfaceType3D> mtx_tex;
__global__ void copy_texture(cuPres *dest, int rw)
int row = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int col = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int slice = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
int tid = row + col*blockDim.x*gridDim.x + slice*blockDim.x*gridDim.x*blockDim.y*gridDim.y;
if (rw==0){
cuPres aux = dest[tid];
fp_surf3Dwrite(aux, mtx_tex, row, col, slice,cudaBoundaryModeClamp);}
else {
cuPres aux = 0;
fp_surf3Dread(&aux, mtx_tex, slice, col, row, cudaBoundaryModeClamp);
dest[tid] = aux;
myKernRW = myKernRW.replace('fpName',fpName_str)
myKernRW = myKernRW.replace('cuPres',prec_str)
modW = SourceModule(myKernRW)

copy_texture = modW.get_function("copy_texture")
mtx_tex = modW.get_surfref("mtx_tex")
cuBlock = (8,8,8)
if cuBlock[0]>npoints:
cuBlock = (npoints,npoints,npoints)
cuGrid = (npoints//cuBlock[0]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[0] != 0 ),npoints//cuBlock[1]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[1] != 0 ),npoints//cuBlock[2]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[1] != 0 ))
A_cpu = np.zeros([npoints,npoints,npoints],order=orden,dtype=prec) # To initialize surface with zeros
cudaArray = drv.np_to_array(A_cpu,orden,allowSurfaceBind=True)
A_cpu = A_gpu.get() # To remember original array
copy_texture.prepared_call(cuGrid,cuBlock,A_gpu.gpudata, np.int32(0)) # Write random array
copy_texture.prepared_call(cuGrid,cuBlock,A_gpu.gpudata, np.int32(1)) # Read, but transposed
assert np.sum(np.abs(A_gpu.get()-np.transpose(A_cpu))) == np.array(0,dtype=prec)

def test_2d_fp_surfaces(self):
orden = "C"
npoints = 32
for prec in [np.float32,np.float64,np.complex64,np.complex128]:
prec_str = dtype_to_ctype(prec)
if prec == np.complex64: fpName_str = 'cfloat'
elif prec == np.complex128: fpName_str = 'cdouble'
else: fpName_str = prec_str
A_cpu = np.zeros([npoints,npoints],order=orden,dtype=prec)
A_cpu[:] = np.random.rand(npoints,npoints)[:]
A_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(A_cpu) # Array randomized

myKernRW = '''
#include <pycuda-helpers.hpp>
surface<void, cudaSurfaceType2DLayered> mtx_tex;
__global__ void copy_texture(cuPres *dest, int rw)
int row = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int col = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int layer = 1;
int tid = row + col*blockDim.x*gridDim.x ;
if (rw==0){
cuPres aux = dest[tid];
fp_surf2DLayeredwrite(aux, mtx_tex, row, col, layer,cudaBoundaryModeClamp);}
else {
cuPres aux = 0;
fp_surf2DLayeredread(&aux, mtx_tex, col, row, layer, cudaBoundaryModeClamp);
dest[tid] = aux;
myKernRW = myKernRW.replace('fpName',fpName_str)
myKernRW = myKernRW.replace('cuPres',prec_str)
modW = SourceModule(myKernRW)

copy_texture = modW.get_function("copy_texture")
mtx_tex = modW.get_surfref("mtx_tex")
cuBlock = (8,8,1)
if cuBlock[0]>npoints:
cuBlock = (npoints,npoints,1)
cuGrid = (npoints//cuBlock[0]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[0] != 0 ),npoints//cuBlock[1]+1*(npoints % cuBlock[1] != 0 ),1)
A_cpu = np.zeros([npoints,npoints],order=orden,dtype=prec) # To initialize surface with zeros
cudaArray = drv.np_to_array(A_cpu,orden,allowSurfaceBind=True)
A_cpu = A_gpu.get() # To remember original array
copy_texture.prepared_call(cuGrid,cuBlock,A_gpu.gpudata, np.int32(0)) # Write random array
copy_texture.prepared_call(cuGrid,cuBlock,A_gpu.gpudata, np.int32(1)) # Read, but transposed
assert np.sum(np.abs(A_gpu.get()-np.transpose(A_cpu))) == np.array(0,dtype=prec)

def test_large_smem(self):
n = 4000
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