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Merge pull request #76 from davidweichiang/master
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copy() for some discontiguous arrays; __setitem__; get2() provisional…
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inducer committed Jul 12, 2015
2 parents 8a764bf + fa7a3bb commit fde69b0
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Showing 3 changed files with 204 additions and 60 deletions.
221 changes: 163 additions & 58 deletions pycuda/
Expand Up @@ -220,91 +220,56 @@ def ndim(self):
def flags(self):
return _ArrayFlags(self)

def set(self, ary):
assert ary.size == self.size
assert ary.dtype == self.dtype
if ary.strides != self.strides:
def set(self, ary, async=False, stream=None):
if ary.size != self.size:
raise ValueError("ary and self must be the same size")
if ary.shape != self.shape:
from warnings import warn
warn("Setting array from one with different strides/storage order. "
"This will cease to work in 2013.x.",
warn("Setting array from one with different shape.",
ary = ary.reshape(self.shape)

assert self.flags.forc
if ary.dtype != self.dtype:
raise ValueError("ary and self must have the same dtype")

if self.size:
drv.memcpy_htod(self.gpudata, ary)
_memcpy_discontig(self, ary, async=async, stream=stream)

def set_async(self, ary, stream=None):
assert ary.size == self.size
assert ary.dtype == self.dtype
if ary.strides != self.strides:
from warnings import warn
warn("Setting array from one with different strides/storage order. "
"This will cease to work in 2013.x.",

assert self.flags.forc

if not ary.flags.forc:
raise RuntimeError("cannot asynchronously set from "
"non-contiguous array")

if self.size:
drv.memcpy_htod_async(self.gpudata, ary, stream)
return set(ary, async=True, stream=None)

def get(self, ary=None, pagelocked=False):
def get(self, ary=None, pagelocked=False, async=False, stream=None):
if ary is None:
if pagelocked:
ary = drv.pagelocked_empty(self.shape, self.dtype)
ary = np.empty(self.shape, self.dtype)

ary = _as_strided(ary, strides=self.strides)
strides = _compact_strides(self)
ary = _as_strided(ary, strides=strides)
assert ary.size == self.size
assert ary.dtype == self.dtype
assert ary.flags.forc

if self.size != ary.size:
raise ValueError("self and ary must be the same size")
if self.shape != ary.shape:
from warnings import warn
warn("get() between arrays of different shape is deprecated "
"and will be removed in PyCUDA 2017.x",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
ary = ary.reshape(self.shape)

assert self.flags.forc, "Array in get() must be contiguous"
if self.dtype != ary.dtype:
raise TypeError("self and ary must have the same dtype")

if self.size:
drv.memcpy_dtoh(ary, self.gpudata)
_memcpy_discontig(ary, self, async=async, stream=stream)
return ary

def get_async(self, stream=None, ary=None):
if ary is None:
ary = drv.pagelocked_empty(self.shape, self.dtype)

ary = _as_strided(ary, strides=self.strides)
assert ary.size == self.size
assert ary.dtype == self.dtype
assert ary.flags.forc

if self.shape != ary.shape:
from warnings import warn
warn("get() between arrays of different shape is deprecated "
"and will be removed in PyCUDA 2017.x",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

assert self.flags.forc, "Array in get() must be contiguous"

if self.size:
drv.memcpy_dtoh_async(ary, self.gpudata, stream)
return ary
return self.get(ary=ary, async=True, stream=stream)

def copy(self):
if not self.flags.forc:
raise RuntimeError("only contiguous arrays may copied.")

new = GPUArray(self.shape, self.dtype)
drv.memcpy_dtod(new.gpudata, self.gpudata, self.nbytes)
_memcpy_discontig(new, self)
return new

def __str__(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -898,6 +863,9 @@ def __getitem__(self, index):

def __setitem__(self, index, value):
_memcpy_discontig(self[index], value)

# }}}

# {{{ complex-valued business
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -980,14 +948,14 @@ def conj(self):

def to_gpu(ary, allocator=drv.mem_alloc):
"""converts a numpy array to a GPUArray"""
result = GPUArray(ary.shape, ary.dtype, allocator, strides=ary.strides)
result = GPUArray(ary.shape, ary.dtype, allocator, strides=_compact_strides(ary))
return result

def to_gpu_async(ary, allocator=drv.mem_alloc, stream=None):
"""converts a numpy array to a GPUArray"""
result = GPUArray(ary.shape, ary.dtype, allocator, strides=ary.strides)
result = GPUArray(ary.shape, ary.dtype, allocator, strides=_compact_strides(ary))
result.set_async(ary, stream)
return result

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1106,6 +1074,143 @@ class Info(Record):

# }}}

def _compact_strides(a):
# Compute strides to have same order as self, but packed
info = sorted((a.strides[axis], a.shape[axis], axis) for axis in xrange(len(a.shape)))

strides = [None]*len(a.shape)
stride = a.dtype.itemsize
for _, dim, axis in info:
strides[axis] = stride
stride *= dim
return strides

def _memcpy_discontig(dst, src, async=False, stream=None):
"""Copy the contents of src into dst.
The two arrays should have the same dtype, shape, and order, but
not necessarily the same strides. There may be up to _two_
axes along which either `src` or `dst` is not contiguous.

if not isinstance(src, (GPUArray, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError("src must be GPUArray or ndarray")
if not isinstance(dst, (GPUArray, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError("dst must be GPUArray or ndarray")
if src.shape != dst.shape:
raise ValueError("src and dst must be same shape")
if src.dtype != dst.dtype:
raise TypeError("src and dst must have same dtype")

# ndarray -> ndarray
if isinstance(src, np.ndarray) and isinstance(dst, np.ndarray):
dst[...] = src

if src.flags.forc and dst.flags.forc:
shape = [src.size]
src_strides = dst_strides = [src.dtype.itemsize]
# put src in Fortran order (which should put dst in Fortran order too)
# and remove singleton axes
src_info = sorted((src.strides[axis], axis) for axis in xrange(len(src.shape)) if src.shape[axis] > 1)
axes = [axis for _, axis in src_info]
shape = [src.shape[axis] for axis in axes]
src_strides = [src.strides[axis] for axis in axes]
dst_strides = [dst.strides[axis] for axis in axes]

# copy functions require contiguity in minor axis, so add new axis if needed
if len(shape) == 0 or src_strides[0] != src.dtype.itemsize or dst_strides[0] != dst.dtype.itemsize:
shape[0:0] = [1]
src_strides[0:0] = [0]
dst_strides[0:0] = [0]
axes[0:0] = [np.newaxis]

# collapse contiguous dimensions
# and check that dst is in same order as src
i = 1
while i < len(shape):
if dst_strides[i] < dst_strides[i-1]:
raise ValueError("src and dst must have same order")
if (src_strides[i-1] * shape[i-1] == src_strides[i] and
dst_strides[i-1] * shape[i-1] == dst_strides[i]):
shape[i-1:i+1] = [shape[i-1] * shape[i]]
del src_strides[i]
del dst_strides[i]
del axes[i]
i += 1

if len(shape) <= 1:
if isinstance(src, GPUArray):
if isinstance(dst, GPUArray):
if async:
drv.memcpy_dtod_async(dst.gpudata, src.gpudata, src.nbytes, stream=stream)
drv.memcpy_dtod(dst.gpudata, src.gpudata, src.nbytes)
# The arrays might be contiguous in the sense of
# having no gaps, but the axes could be transposed
# so that the order is neither Fortran or C.
# So, we attempt to get a contiguous view of dst.
dst = _as_strided(dst, shape=(dst.size,), strides=(dst.dtype.itemsize,))
if async:
drv.memcpy_dtoh_async(dst, src.gpudata, stream=stream)
drv.memcpy_dtoh(dst, src.gpudata)
src = _as_strided(src, shape=(src.size,), strides=(src.dtype.itemsize,))
if async:
drv.memcpy_htod(dst.gpudata, src, stream=stream)
drv.memcpy_htod(dst.gpudata, src)

if len(shape) == 2:
copy = drv.Memcpy2D()
elif len(shape) == 3:
copy = drv.Memcpy3D()
raise ValueError("more than 2 discontiguous axes not supported %s" % (tuple(sorted(axes)),))

if isinstance(src, GPUArray):

if isinstance(dst, GPUArray):

copy.width_in_bytes = src.dtype.itemsize*shape[0]

copy.src_pitch = src_strides[1]
copy.dst_pitch = dst_strides[1]
copy.height = shape[1]

if len(shape) == 2:
if async:

else: # len(shape) == 3
if src_strides[2] % src_strides[1] != 0:
raise RuntimeError("src's major stride must be a multiple of middle stride")
copy.src_height = src_strides[2] // src_strides[1]

if dst_strides[2] % dst_strides[1] != 0:
raise RuntimeError("dst's major stride must be a multiple of middle stride")
copy.dst_height = dst_strides[2] // dst_strides[1]

copy.depth = shape[2]
if async:

# {{{ pickle support

import six.moves.copyreg
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/cpp/cuda.hpp
Expand Up @@ -1671,7 +1671,7 @@ namespace pycuda
{ \
srcMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; \
py_buffer_wrapper buf_wrapper; \
buf_wrapper.get(buf_py.ptr(), PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS); \
buf_wrapper.get(buf_py.ptr(), PyBUF_STRIDED_RO); \
srcHost = buf_wrapper.m_buf.buf; \
} \
Expand All @@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ namespace pycuda
{ \
dstMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; \
py_buffer_wrapper buf_wrapper; \
buf_wrapper.get(buf_py.ptr(), PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS | PyBUF_WRITABLE); \
buf_wrapper.get(buf_py.ptr(), PyBUF_STRIDED); \
dstHost = buf_wrapper.m_buf.buf; \
} \
Expand Down
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions test/
Expand Up @@ -978,6 +978,45 @@ def test_newaxis(self):
assert b_gpu.shape == b.shape
assert b_gpu.strides == b.strides

def test_copy(self):
from pycuda.curandom import rand as curand
a_gpu = curand((3,3))

for start, stop, step in [(0,3,1), (1,2,1), (0,3,2), (0,3,3)]:
assert np.allclose(a_gpu[start:stop:step].get(), a_gpu.get()[start:stop:step])

a_gpu = curand((3,1))
for start, stop, step in [(0,3,1), (1,2,1), (0,3,2), (0,3,3)]:
assert np.allclose(a_gpu[start:stop:step].get(), a_gpu.get()[start:stop:step])

a_gpu = curand((3,3,3))
for start, stop, step in [(0,3,1), (1,2,1), (0,3,2), (0,3,3)]:
assert np.allclose(a_gpu[start:stop:step,start:stop:step].get(), a_gpu.get()[start:stop:step,start:stop:step])

a_gpu = curand((3,3,3)).transpose((1,2,0))
a = a_gpu.get()
for start, stop, step in [(0,3,1), (1,2,1), (0,3,2), (0,3,3)]:
assert np.allclose(a_gpu[start:stop:step,:,start:stop:step].get(), a_gpu.get()[start:stop:step,:,start:stop:step])

# 4-d should work as long as only 2 axes are discontiguous
a_gpu = curand((3,3,3,3))
a = a_gpu.get()
for start, stop, step in [(0,3,1), (1,2,1), (0,3,3)]:
assert np.allclose(a_gpu[start:stop:step,:,start:stop:step].get(), a_gpu.get()[start:stop:step,:,start:stop:step])

def test_get_set(self):
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray

a = np.random.normal(0., 1., (4,4))
a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a)
assert np.allclose(a_gpu.get(), a)
assert np.allclose(a_gpu[1:3,1:3].get(), a[1:3,1:3])

a = np.random.normal(0., 1., (4,4,4)).transpose((1,2,0))
a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a)
assert np.allclose(a_gpu.get(), a)
assert np.allclose(a_gpu[1:3,1:3,1:3].get(), a[1:3,1:3,1:3])

if __name__ == "__main__":
# make sure that import failures get reported, instead of skipping the tests.
import pycuda.autoinit # noqa
Expand Down

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